Eighty dollar serums
eight-hundred dollar crocs
I may never own a home
but at fifty I’ll still be hot

September 16 - October 13 2022

Emily Grace Harrison, Theresa Hopkins, Nadya Isabella, Julia Kansas, Maddy Mathews, Claudia Rick, Nicholas Zirk

Curated by Dainesha Nugent-Palache

Millennials get a lot of shit for being childish, lazy, unaccomplished, and apathetic, when the fact of the matter is, the world is not structured to support our generational maturation. For the mass majority of Millennials, without the assistance of well-meaning boomer parents or the luck of being born into an extraordinarily wealthy and well connected family, to grow-up fully, or to engage with the activities and milestones associated with adulthood is a near impossible feat. As a generation we have been forced into a perpetual state of infantility and uncertainty.

Eighty dollar serums eight-hundred dollar crocs, I may never own a home but at fifty I’ll still be hot takes into account how this socio-economic reality manifests visually within the artistic practices of a cohort.

Photo documentation forthcoming

email: info [at] theplumb [dot] ca
instagram: the_plumb

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